Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How I stumbled across soy candles!
(my first soy candle batch)
My love for blending scented soy candles began in January of 2009. At home, I grew accustomed to mixing essential oils with rich butters to create moisturizing bath and body products for anyone who desired them, but one day as I was sitting patiently at my work desk, waiting for the clock to hit 5:00, a question arose from a co-worker that sparked a newfound interest. “Do you make soy candles?” Now that was a question I had never been asked, nor had I ever thought of looking into, but as I sat across from that co worker I can remember wondering how difficult it could be to make them. I responded that they were not in my current product line up, but that it could be soon, as she nodded her head as if she was pleased with my response and drifted back into her work. As the day carried on, her question continued to repeat in my mind as I found myself surfing the internet for tools, tips and recipes for making scented soy candles. After watching video tutorials and reading articles on how to make soy candles, I was ready to start with my first batch. I had ordered all my supplies from an online store and was eager to get started. I began mixing, and following each basic instruction and as I impatiently waited for the liquid to solidify I found a rather odd looking soy scented candle! Not the result you were looking to hear I assume, but an honest one! The top layer of the candle appeared to be crusted and dented with deep suctioning holes around the center of the wick. I was left looking at the candle puzzled, wondering what I had done wrong to make them look this way! Nevertheless, I was still excited that I had at least attempted to make my first soy candle. As with everything practice makes perfect and I can remember the joy on that coworkers face when I presented her with a blueberry cheesecake candle on her birthday. As she proudly displayed and lit the blue mason jar candle on her bookshelf cluttered with family portraits and memorabilia, other co workers quickly began asking about the dessert fragrance filling the office. I was delighted and each day that she lit the candle, I noticed that the inquires started coming in. More people became interested in my candles, as I became excited with all the new fragrances, containers and such that accompanied making them. Today, I am just as excited with making soy candles as I was in January of 2009. What’s your story on your craft on how it began? Please share!!

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