Monday, September 5, 2011

Jahyah's Beauty . . The Beginnings!!

Hello and welcome to my new blog with Jahyah’s Beauty! I am so excited to share my business venture with you all as I hope that you all will love all that I have to share. Jahyah’s Beauty has been a major part of my life since the birth of my first born Ajah in 2004. As a new mother of a child suffering from eczema, I felt helpless as I ushered her into our family physician and watched as he prescribed my young child a topical steroid cream to help reduce the irritation and discomfort she was suffering from as a result of her new skin condition. As I drove to the local pharmacy and picked up my baby girls new prescription, I can remember feeling dismayed at what I had found! This cream was not recommended for her age group as there were not many remedies that were. I can remember calling my mother and asking for her recommendation, but as neither of us had any experience with this new condition, I continued to use the cream sparingly as it seemed that her condition worsened! In January of 2007 I was blessed with another daughter Ayannah, at which she was quickly nick named yah-yah due to her older sister’s inability to pronounce her name correctly. As the months quickly passed, I soon came to realize that Ayannah to was also suffering from the same condition as her sister however much worse. Knowing that I did not want to repeat the same disappointing pattern as I had done a few years back, I began searching online for natural remedies to sooth her discomfort. It was then that I discovered the many health benefits of shea butter. I can remember going to the local reggae shop and purchasing my first portion of this new found raw butter. Knowing that both of my girls were allergic to fragrances, I went home, gathered a bunch of rich oils and began mixing! Hours and hours of mixing were going on in my home, as I would find myself eager to blend more and think of new recipes to relieve my children of their discomfort. As time passed, so did their condition as I soon found that my mixture was strengthening their skin back to its healthy state! I was then hooked! Commercial creams and lotions were thrown out the door as the word quickly spread that I created a recipe for those with dry inflamed skin. Friends and family began asking for my creation as I was eager to share! Within time, I then began to realize that I had something special brewing from inside my home. I realized that I more than just a concerned mother who wanted to aid her children out of discomfort, but that I was on my way to starting my own beauty business. It took time, trial and error, tears and uncertainties, but through the eyes of my daughters and desire of my heart I knew that there was a small place out there in the business world just for me. So I began working on a plan, seeking advice, researching and as it came time to create a name for my new business I couldn’t resist the temptation to combine the names of my beautiful daughters and name it “Jahyah’s Beauty.” As time has passed, so have a lot of my initial ideas which have resulted in a new inner strength and product ideas. With all that I create in my home, my children will always play a critical role in its creation, whether its selecting a new scent, a new color, container or just their thumbs up of approval. I believe it is through them that I have found my happiness as it is my wish that I can someday help them to achieve theirs! Thank you again for visiting my new blog Jahyah’s Beauty!!

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